Thursday, 15 August 2013

Chloe James Lifestyle

Is the fabulous Lifestyle emporium of Donna Nichol and Maria Allen, stocking fashion and accessories, interior accessories and furniture, art and gifts from candles to cufflinks over two floors.

Launched in 2010 it can be found at No.12 High Street, St Albans and is open seven days a week throughout the year – a challenge not for softies! :>

In their own words:

"Whilst Donna had always dreamt of owning a shop, Maria took a little bit of persuasion - however, coffee and cake was all it took!" 
Both ladies have a creative background - Donna in fashion buying and Maria in print design.


Both love interiors, fashion and design and wanted to create something “unique and exciting” in St Albans. This passion is apparent both online and in person!

Elegant and sharp, I have been impressed by the energy and activity of these two ladies! :> 
To be a customer of theirs is a treat! – a look at their Facebook page or a Google search and you find dedication to be admired!… They launch their seasonal fashion purchases with style you can share through special events and fashion shows, they are unrivalled in their approach to the Indie Retail Campaign.

Housed “in a charming Tudor building, complete with steep stairs and wonky walls." "Two floors of gorgeous fashion, unusual gifts and stylish interiors" await you!" Customers can enjoy browsing hundreds of beautiful items!” They also do mail order!

You can expect to find jewellery by Alex Monroe and fashion by Almost Famous rubbing shoulders with Day Birger et Mikkelson Home, Szalay Chairs, The Cutlery Commission, fabulous mirrors, Urban Bird Light Shades and Thierry Poncelet prints! 

 Above: Alex Monroe Pendants

  Cushions from Day Birger et Mikkelson Home 


One of the lovely mirrors available with a Thierry Poncelet print in the reflection to the left

Maria with Urban Bird Exotic Flora Light Shades
I am looking forward to the results of a recent shoot they did including some of their home accessories for Autumn my shades included!

Twitter: @ChloeJamesStore

Unsurprisingingly you can find this stylish emporium on Hertfordshire's 

 A few quick questions answered by Donna:

Favourite quick cuisine or recipe book? Nigella Express & a Thai beef salad from an old mag that blows your head off but is incredibly fresh & tasty!

Favourite movie? Chocolat with Juliette Binoche

Favourite song? Too many to mention! Everything from The The to Alt J, to the Arctic Monkeys!

When not buying & retailing what is your favourite thing to do? I like to run (very slowly), cook, garden, read novels and interiors mags &
occasionally bake!

One of your Favourite style era's when not in the present! Probably the 1950s - I like the glamour mixed with the feeling of social change.

Above: Chloe James Shop Window

Favourite architect or fashion designer? Don't really have a favourite but love the Gaudi buildings in Barcelona.

 Gaudi Architecture in Barcelona

Above One of the Szalay chairs at Chloe James Lifestyle with textiles from Uzbekistan

I am delighted to have Chloe James Lifestyle as my stockist in St Albans, Hertfordshire, be sure to stop by for a visit!



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