Friday, 6 May 2011

Winchester Fashion Week Update

Hello again! Well time has hurried past and I have not kept you up to date with my activities as well as I would have liked! but it is easy to see how one could become a professional at this! or an addict!

I am enjoying working on Fashion Week or the 'festival' as it is encompassing a number of events thanks to all involved, I haven't mentioned Easter or the Royal Wedding but I had a fabulous time at my father-in-laws party on the green and watched clips of the big day twice then wanted to know all about everyone involved when the media had actually programmed this opportunity on the days leading up to the wedding rather than after - bit of an anti climax if you ask me!

I think unanimously the billions of people thought Kate looked beautiful, William swooned at her befittingly in Westminster Abbey and it was altogether a lovely occasion with the inclusion of I am glad to say some eye catching contemporary millinery thanks to the brave! I enjoyed the glimpses of Nick Clegg's wife Miriam Gonzalez Durantez seen below

I have been creating some new illustrations, just one or two to add to the ones I prepared in January as the marketing material, posters, flyer etc for fashion week is going to print, it's been great to see what transpires! I am a digital collager amongst other things!

The illustration above will be on the flyer for my Pop Up Shop along with some text, it features a wonderful, wearable hat by KC Lake, KC and I are collaborating on a small collection of six hats for Fashion Week using my printed fabrics. KC is a wonder with colour, contrasting materials, trimmings and shapes, combining things I like imaginatively and attractively and experimentally!

Also in this illustration a pair of legs sticking out of the shopping bag - a sneak peak of Tina Tsang's fab ceramics which will also be in my Pop Up Design shop too open from 18th - 31st July at the Brooks Shopping Centre in Winchester.

What else has happened? Well I was photographed last Sunday by lively photographer Jackie King, Jackie and I had met previously briefly when attending a business one to one at 'Making Space' in Havant but by phone I had not connected the voice with the person so was delighted to see her and see her in action! The results are for Fashion week too! She took photos of Graham and I holding up some of his paintings and me with my shades (two outfits for me - good stuff!)

Deryn Relph, knitted textile designer opened her show at the Theatre Royal on till June! Her colourful work will also be in our shop in July! Fab!
Deryn graduated last year from Winchester School of Art and has a background in upholstery. More than a flavour of retro chic going on below! and indeed the chair shows designs from a collection entitled 'Rainbow Retro Rejuvination'.
A pic of this chair has been selected by